What Happens in Vegas...Doesn't Stay in Vegas!
**All photographs were taken with an iPhone and should not be a reflection of ELC Photography's real work.
As many of you know, ELC Photography recently went to Vegas for a three-day photography convention, one of the biggest in the world! WPPI (Wedding & Portrait Photographer's International) is a huge conference & expo for photographers across the globe. It was a chance for ELC to learn more about products, new photography technology, business software, design & aesthetics, and countless photography offerings.
Needless to say, it was SO EXCITING! We arrived in Vegas at 8:00am on Monday after leaving Denver on a 6:00am flight. We couldn't wait to start exploring. The ELC group checked into our hotel and sat down for a quick breakfast (which inluded one or two mimosa's... when in Vegas, right?) After, we headed over to the WPPI expo and waited with in huge crowd filled with other photographers, giddy and anxious to get through the doors.
At exactly 10:00am, they doors opened wide and we all streamed in like it was Black Friday. What I saw made my heart jump a little. Tent after tent after booth after curtain, everything was mine for the taking! Seeing so many photographers and businesses completely dedicated to the art of photography almost brought a tear to my eye. I have devoted my entire life to photography and to see such a communal gathering of everything photography was almost too much to bear! The thought only lasted for a second and was followed by an immediate urge to touch everything.
COMING SOON! This album allows you to upload any video so you can relive those precious memories in video and photographs. This is included in the box with your unique, customizable album.
There was so much information in just one booth, I didn't know if I was ever going to get through it all! We browsed through aisle after aisle, picking up albums and canvases and leather covers and fabric prints and this and that and by the time we pushed through one aisle, almost two hours had passed. ELC Studio Manager Audrey suggested we grab a bite to eat, as we were all getting a little "hangry."
Our second day consisted of seminar classes, of which were taught by well-known photographers in places like Los Angeles, New York City, Sydney Australia and other high-fashioned cities and countries. We learned about various sales techniques, marketing trends, best use of space, lighting, SEO, and so much more. Everything we learned proved invaluable.
Because this was Audrey's first time in Vegas, we decided to give her the best "first-time-Vegas-experience" as possible! In between the WPPI expo and seminars, Audrey was able to experience almost all of Vegas. Shaun (my husband) and I took her for drinks in the stratosphere and surprised her with the "Big Shot," a cylinder roller coaster that straps you in and shoots you up ~50 feet in the air to the very, very top of the Stratosphere. She handled it pretty well. We also took her out to play the slots one night and ate amazing food, including Thai from Lemongrass restaurant inside Aria Hotel and Café Bellagio inside the Bellagio Hotel.
By the third day, we were feeling pretty exhausted. One can only take so much of Vegas! We stepped into one last master class that taught the importance o bringing together value and experience within photography. The teacher, a brass and confident Australian, lead the discussion about how to create the best possible photography experience for your client. We heard from other photographers in the room about their concerns and wrote down many notes and how to bring this to you, our clients.
The seminar ended and we hopped in an Uber back toward the airport. All together, it was a fantastic trip. We learned so much about new product offerings from various companies, how to make a photography session even greater, and when to say no to that fourth Basil Gin Gimlet!
Flying over Las Vegas, NV
Famous Bellagio Basil Gin Gimlet
Year of the Dog at Bellagio Hotel